Polyps & Fibroids


What Causes Uterine Fibroids To Grow?

If you’ve been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, you may be wondering what causes them to grow. There are a number of risk factors that could lead to the growth of ...

Which Foods Prevent Polyps?

We all know that a healthy diet is part of maintaining our overall well-being. But if you have uterine polyps, or you’re worried about getting them, there may be certain ...

What Foods Heal And Hinder Fibroids?

If you’re suffering from uterine fibroids, you may be wondering about treating them through your diet. Here are foods that may heal or hinder fibroids, and some foods to avoid ...

How Common Are Uterine Polyps?

Uterine polyps are a condition that may cause symptoms like abnormal vaginal bleeding. In some instances, they don’t cause any side effects at all. How many women have uterine polyps? ...

Can Fibroids Cause Bleeding?

If you’ve been diagnosed with fibroids, you may wonder if they are the cause of abnormal bleeding. Explore all you need to know about uterine fibroids. ...

Can You Get Pregnant With Fibroids?

Living with fibroids is an experience that varies for every woman. Many women diagnosed with fibroids don’t have any symptoms. Others have mild symptoms although there are instances when women ...

How To Treat Fibroids

Finding out you have fibroids can be unsettling. Any type of diagnosis that reveals a growth raises a lot of concerns and questions. What are the symptoms of fibroids? What ...

Do Uterine Polyps Cause Weight Gain And Bloating?

Finding out you have uterine polyps evokes a lot of concern along with questions. There are so many answers you will be seeking, as is the case with any type ...

Impact of Fibroids On Your Reproductive Health

Fibroids are common enough among women but if you have them, you’re likely wondering about the impact on your reproductive health. Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that can grow anywhere ...

Fibroids vs Cysts

Women’s pelvic health conditions often share similar symptoms, making it hard to know exactly what’s wrong.  Fibroids and cysts are one example. They are both common conditions of the female ...

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