How To Fix A Prolapse Without Surgery
If you have pelvic organ prolapse, you want to know the different options for treating it. Depending on the type of prolapse, the severity and other factors such as your ...
How To Improve The Symptoms Of Interstitial Cystitis
If you’ve been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, you know there isn’t a clear cause for this condition, and no known cure. So how can you relieve the side effects that ...
Diet and Interstitial Cystitis
The chronic condition known as interstitial cystitis causes bladder pressure, bladder and pelvic pain, and a frequent need to urinate that can impact your quality of life. But there are ...
Can You Get Pregnant With A Prolapsed Uterus
Having a uterine prolapse brings side effects like a heaviness or pulling in the pelvis, problems with leaking urine, and pressure or discomfort in the pelvis or low back. But ...
What Is Interstitial Cystitis?
If you have chronic pelvic pain and feel the need to urinate on a frequent basis, it’s worth seeing a doctor for diagnosis. After ruling out other conditions, you may ...
Is Rectal Prolapse Dangerous?
Understanding the symptoms of rectal prolapse makes it easier to seek medical attention if you suspect you have this condition. But is having rectal prolapse dangerous? It can certainly cause ...
How to Heal PCOS
Women who suffer from the side effects of Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, want to know what they can do about the abnormal periods, excess body and facial hair, and ...
Can A Prolapse Make You Feel Ill?
Pelvic Organ Prolapse may not be a life threatening disease, but it can have an impact on your physical and mental health. Here’s how a prolapse can indeed make you ...
Can Stress Cause Overactive Bladder?
Stress can quietly have an impact on our physical, mental and emotional health. It can even impact bladder health, and make the symptoms of overactive bladder worse. In turn, an ...
What Foods To Avoid If You Have An Overactive Bladder
Having an overactive bladder has an impact on your work life, social life, and more. Try eliminating some products to see if it helps, with this handy list of what ...
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