
Best Sleeping Position For A Prolapsed Uterus

Living with a prolapse brings with it several disruptive side effects.

You may have pain in your pelvis, abdomen or lower back, and sometimes urine leakage or incontinence.1 

Getting enough rest is key to managing any health condition, so how can you make sure you can sleep with a prolapse? Here are some tips on the best sleeping position for a prolapsed uterus.

The Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition that occurs when the important muscles and ligaments that support a woman’s pelvic organs—known as the pelvic floor—weaken. When this happens, the pelvic organs can drop lower in the pelvis.2

When the uterus sags out of position, it’s called uterine prolapse. It’s relatively common and can happen to anyone, but is most common after menopause and in women who have had more than one vaginal delivery.1

There are different stages or severity of uterine prolapse, depending on how weak the supporting muscles of your uterus have become. Treatment options also vary depending on the severity of the prolapse.

Here are the most common side effects:1

  • heaviness, fullness, pressure or pain in your pelvis
  • pain in your abdomen or lower back
  • pain during sex
  • constipation
  • leaking pee (incontinence), the need to pee frequently or the sudden urge to pee

With all that going on, the importance of a good night’s sleep is magnified. Here’s what you need to know. 

Best Sleeping Position For A Prolapsed Uterus

It’s common for women with prolapse to suffer from poor sleep. Studies have shown that pelvic floor disorders are associated with poor sleep quality; and researchers want to better understand how sleep disturbances may contribute to the impact of pelvic floor symptoms on quality of life.3

So how can you get a proper sleep?

The best sleeping position may be different for different women. Your physical comfort and any other health concerns—like a sore back or neck—will also be factors in the best sleeping position for a prolapsed uterus. 

Laying on your back with a pillow under your knees will support your back. You can also lie on your side and bring your knees up to your chest.4 Another option is to place a pillow between your legs, lengthwise to align your hips and pelvis, which can help relieve strain on your pelvic floor.5

Side sleeping might bother some with shoulder or hip discomfort. Side sleeping may also cause gravity to stretch the abdominal and pelvic tissues toward the mattress.6 In that case, back sleeping with support might be a better option.

Preparing for sleep is also key. If one of your side effects is the need to pee during the night, avoid drinking too many fluids before bed, especially caffeine and alcohol. Good “sleep hygiene” also helps—stick to a regular sleep schedule and create a comfortable sleeping environment that’s calm, dark and quiet.5

These sleep tips should help those with a prolapsed uterus get some shut-eye.

Ask Your Doctor

If you have symptoms that point to a prolapsed uterus, use our Physician Finder to find a doctor near you with expertise in women’s health. Proper diagnosis along with a treatment plan, and advice on getting a good night’s sleep, will support your journey to better health.