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Is Incontinence A Normal Part Of Aging?

As women get older, many of us deal with leaking urine. The condition known as urinary incontinence can be embarrassing, and even lead to isolation and depression. If you’ve got ...

The Hysterectomy Recovery Process: A Timeline

There are different reasons you may undergo a hysterectomy, and you need to give yourself time to recover.  What does a hysterectomy involve, and how long until you can bounce ...

Non Surgical SUI Treatments

Incontinence is no laughing matter, and you might not like the thought of facing surgery to fix it. If you’re suffering from stress urinary incontinence, or SUI, you have options ...

Can Incontinence Be Cured?

Incontinence can cause you to feel embarrassed, lead to isolation and make you limit your work and social life.  Knowing all that, can incontinence be cured? Types of Incontinence  Continence ...

What Causes Vaginal Prolapse?

The signs of vaginal prolapse can include a feeling of fullness or pressure in your pelvis and vagina, and even a bulge of tissue in your vagina that you can ...

Does Endometriosis Cause Miscarriage?

Women with endometriosis suffer from painful symptoms like excessive menstrual cramps, abnormal or heavy menstrual flow and pain during sex.1 This condition, in which tissue similar to that which lines ...

3 Tips To Manage Back To School Stress

Autumn marks an end to the lazy days of summer, and often an increase in stress caused by busy schedules, shorter days and an approaching holiday season. Whether you know ...

5 Ideas for Autumn Self Care

Autumn is a season of change: the weather gets cooler; the days get shorter; the trees change color and lose their leaves. It can also mean a more hectic routine ...

How To Sleep With A Prolapsed Bladder

If you have a prolapsed bladder, you are likely familiar with the side effects: a feeling of fullness, heaviness or pain in your pelvic area, going to the bathroom more ...

Can Stress Impact Your Pelvic Floor?

We’ve all heard the term: “stress, the silent killer.” Stress is a perfectly natural response that our bodies evolved over time to keep us safe. It made sense when our ...

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